Home of Marie Hugbearu2

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About Me
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lots of things from friends
more gifts
Even more gifts
Gifts from Angels that Care
Butterflies I love them
Gifts from Hugs & Angels
dogs & cats I love them both
More cats n dogs
Cancer stamp it out
Condolences from friends
One year later

email if broken links thank you

On this page I'll include a list of links to other web sites that I enjoy. I may also include an explanation of what I like about the site.

For example, here's a link to a site that I look at every day:

Angels that Care

Hugs & Angels

A Look To The Past

Sharing Love & Prayers (read only now)


Here's a link to the site of the company I work for:


Here's a link to a friend's site:

My dear friend from Wales Sue see her lovely site


Coco, listen to music while seeing my site, just open this and play while you look.

Wolf Index

My likes are simple no porn or adult things prefer christian sites and music from 50-60's any that help Missing children

my dear friend Coleen sent me this thank you

Please come back anytime tell your friends